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Published: June 6, 2024
Video Comment (58)
Find out what the various Sonicare cleaning modes do and how important they are when choosing a toothbrush
Author: Jon Love (58 Comments)
Medical reviewer: Dr Gemma Wheeler, BDS
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There are up to 6 different cleaning modes available on Sonicare toothbrushes
The vast majority of Sonicare toothbrushes have 1, 2, or 3 brushing modes. The exact number depends on the model. There are up to 6 different modes available for the company to enable on models. 5 is the maximum number of modes on current Sonicare brushes.
The following chart lists the different modes, their purpose and run time.
Mode | What it does | Cleaning time* |
Clean | An everyday brushing option. Provides a great overall teeth cleaning to remove plaque and maintain oral health. | 2 minutes |
White/White+ | Works harder to remove surface stains, whilst providing a great overall clean. After a 2 minute clean with alternating power, you have an extra 30 to focus on polishing your front teeth. | 2 minutes 30 seconds |
Deep Clean/Deep Clean+ | The most powerful mode for the most thorough deep and powerful clean. It's ideal for when you want to pay extra attention to specific areas of the mouth. | 3 minutes |
Gum Health/Gum Care | General overall teeth cleaning with an additional 1 minute of reduced power brushing. Designed to be used to gentle massage the gums for better circulation and gum health. | 3 minutes |
Sensitive | A gentle and less intense cleaning action ideally suited to new electric toothbrush users or those with sensitive teeth and gums. | 2 minutes |
Tongue Care | Used for cleaning the tongue or inside of the cheeks. | 20 seconds |
Polish, Refresh and Massage are modes previously offered on older models. They are no longer current and these modes won't be found on current Sonicare brush handles.

Some models have different brushing intensities
On many Sonicare brush handles it's possible to change the intensity of the brushing motion.
Depending on the model this can vary between 2 or 3 different power intensity settings.
This option to change intensity acts like an additional cleaning mode.
It's quite common on more affordable models to have 1 cleaning mode and 2 intensities. You can almost think of these like a clean and sensitive mode, even if technically, the lower intensity option isn't labeled as such.
A brush with 3 cleaning modes and 3 intensities, essentially gives the user 9 different brushing mode configurations to choose between.
Those same models will typically have an LED indicator to help show what intensity has been selected.
- Low: 1 LED indicator light.
- Medium: 2 LED indicator lights.
- High: 3 LED indicator lights.

How important are the different cleaning modes?
1 or 2 modes (or intensities) are normally more than sufficient for most users.
Our recommendation is a brush with Clean and Sensitive modes (or a high and low intensity). This gives the option of a powerful and effective everyday mode and a slower more gentle option for when your teeth and gums feel a little more delicate.
Having more modes or brushing intensities gives more choice and does allow you to find the optimum setup for you. However, with limited differences between modes, it is generally more important to focus on your toothbrushing technique, duration, and frequency than worry about the specific mode you use.

We have not seen any clinical evidence or results from our hands-on testing that would suggest the use of any one mode is going to bring significant benefits.
Using a whitening mode may result in slightly brighter and whiter teeth more quickly than if using the standard clean brushing mode. A new electric toothbrush user who smokes and drinks lots of curry and red wine will likely see some better results than a non-smoker with limited red wine consumption. However, it is no guarantee.
Video explanation
The following video gives an overview of the main brushing modes available on Oral-B brushes.
What each cleaning mode does
- This is the 'go to' mode for daily teeth cleaning for most users.
- It provides a great overall teeth cleaning removing plaque to maintain oral health.
- The cleaning cycle lasts for 2 minutes.
- Aimed at those looking to remove staining and discoloration from the tooth surface.
- The cleaning mode lasts for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
- During the first 2 minutes the brush uses the standard cleaning mode. For the final 30 seconds it changes the speed of the motor from low to high.
- The additional 30 seconds is offered to focus brushing on polishing the outer surface of the front upper and lower teeth.
- The polishing motion used in the last 30 seconds of this mode will feel and sound different from the first 2 minutes.
- Some models refer to this mode as just White, whilst on others it is labeled as White+. It is the same cleaning action, just with a different name.
Deep Clean/Deep Clean+
- The most powerful mode for the most thorough deepcleaning. It's ideally suited to those who want to give extra attention to specific areas of the mouth.
- The motion and speed is adjusted to massage the teeth and gum tissues and push the cleaning motion through bacteria and stubborn stains that may exist
- The cleaning mode usually lasts for 3 minutes.
- If the brush handle has Bluetooth connectivity and is connected to a smartphone the mode will last for just 2 minutes. If there is no active Bluetooth connection, the mode will run for 3 minutes.
- Some models refer to this mode as just Deep Clean, whilst on others, it is labeled as Deep Clean+. It is the same cleaning action, just with a different name.

Gum Health/Gum Care
- Great for those wanting to give extra attention to improving their gum health. You may benefit if you have mild sensitivity in your gums, with occasional bleeding. It's a good option for those with or recovering from gum disease treatment.
- The cleaning mode usually lasts for 3 minutes.
- During the first 2 minutes, the brush runs the standard clean mode.
- The remaining minute uses a slower and less powerful sensitive/massage mode to stimulate and massage the gums, to improve blood flow and overall gum health.
- On some models, notably DiamondClean Smart & Prestige, the mode runs for an additional 20 seconds.
- Some models refer to this mode as just Gum Health, whilst on others it is labeled as Gum Care. It is the same cleaning action, just with a different name.
- A gentle and less intense cleaning action ideally suited to new electric toothbrush users or those with sensitive teeth and gums.
- This cleaning mode lasts for 2 minutes.
- It uses less of the brush motors power to be more gentle on the teeth and gums.
Tongue Care
- Designed to provide adequate time to brush the tongue and inside cheek surfaces.
- This cleaning mode lasts for 20 seconds.
How to change brushing modes
There are two main ways to switch between brushing modes. The method depends on which brush you have.
For those brushes with only a power button on the handle, press it multiple times to cycle through the available modes. You can only change the mode once the brush is powered on. In most cases, you are going to be offered no more than 2 modes.
Many Sonicare handles have a second button, under the power button. This mode button can be used to switch between the modes. In many instances, the mode can be changed without powering the brush on, but this doesn't always apply.
That mode button may also change the brushing intensity if your handle has such an option.
It varies by model, but when the brush is off the mode button may allow you to change modes and then change intensity when the brush is powered on.
In other, but fewer instances, the power button might be used for mode selection and the mode button for brushing intensity.
As the modes are selected, the labels on the brush handle are normally illuminated so you can easily see what mode is active.
BrushSync head and handles may change the brushing mode automatically
Our BrushSync article explains it in more detail. But, if you attach a particular brush head to a particular (compatible) handle, the brushing mode and intensity will be altered without your input.
Fitting a W3 Premium White brush head will select White mode for example.
This is so that the head and brush deliver the best brushing combination. These selections can be overridden if you prefer.
Cleaning mode power: the number of brush strokes and movements
The bristles on a Sonicare toothbrush head move side to side, many thousand times a minute. This mechanical action disrupts the plaque as the bristles move over the tooth and gum surface. The bristles are sweeping and scrubbing the bacteria away.
In addition, the intense sonic vibrations generated by the motor agitate fluids in the mouth to create microbubbles. These come into contact with and loosen plaque and bacteria in locations that are beyond the physical touch of the toothbrush.
In theory, the more speed the motor has the more effective the clean is, because the bristles move more frequently over the tooth and gum surfaces. However, it is not all about speed, brushing technique, time and frequency has a big part to play too.
The vast majority of Sonicare models offer 31,000 brush strokes and 62,000 movements. There are some exceptions to this though.

31,000 brush strokes/62,000 movements
31,000 brush strokes and 62,000 movements are 2 figures Philips uses widely in their specification list for each toothbrush.
For a long time, it was only 31,000 brush strokes that were displayed. In more recent times, 62,000 movements has been used far more frequently. 62,000 sounds better than 31,000 doesn’t it?
I wouldn’t blame you for thinking it was better and maybe a newer technology. But, it's not.
As we understand it, they are essentially the same thing. 1 brush stroke is equal to 2 movements. (31,000 x 2 = 62,000).
But, there is a bit of a catch.
Some newer brushes, such as the 1100, 2100, 3100 and 4100 Series are listed wit no mention of brush strokes or movements. This is because the motors are configured differently.
Sonicare won't share the technical explanation, but premium Sonicare models are programmed with an extra dimension to the brushing experience that allows the 62,000 movements to be achieved, whereas these more affordable models don't.
As a result, certain models, do give a brushing sensation that feels less intense compared to some other Sonicare toothbrushes. Use the 1100 Series right after the DiamondClean Smart and you can feel the difference if paying close attention. It isn’t immediately obvious to all.
The brushing sensation might well be different, but we have not seen and significant difference in cleaning results in our testing. All Sonicare models do a very good job of removing harmful plaque from the teeth.
It is easy to get led by the numbers. They may have a bearing, but it isn't as significant as some might suggest.
Power delivery and cleaning modes
It is clear from our testing that the 'power' of the brush differs, depending on what mode you have selected.
That 'power' is made up of 2 different variables, amplitude and frequency.
- Amplitude- is the maximum distance covered (or the sweep angle) by the toothbrush bristles during their cycle of movement. This is usually defined in terms of mm (distance) or degrees (angle).
- Frequency- is defined as the number of cycles the power toothbrush bristles move within a unit of time (i.e. 1 Hz: 120 strokes per minute)
Sonicare themselves acknowledge that each brushing mode is configured differently.
Where the Deep Clean might offer the full 31,000 brush strokes and 62,000 movements (if the handle has such), Sensitive mode feels like the number of movements is less. How many movements or how the sweeping angle of the bristles differs is unknown.
Philips wont, despite repeated requests, disclose how the brushes are configured for each mode.
Bychanging either the amplitude or the frequency; or varying one or both of them during the brushing cycle, the different cleaning/brushing modes are achieved.

Easy-Start is a feature built into the majority of Sonicare brushes.
Over the first 14 brushing sessions (1 week) the handle gently increases the power to help you get used to the sensation of using a Sonicare toothbrush.
This is brilliant for new electric toothbrush users and helps desensitize to the sensation of using such a product.
But, this will explain for some why the brush might not feel that powerful out of the box. It can usually be disabled if you don't want to benefit from it.
There are no cleaning mode labels on my handle - how do I know which brushing mode is selected?
Some of the most affordable Sonicare models do not have any cleaning mode labels on the brush handle, to make it obvious what mode or intensity is currently selected. The 1100 Series is one example.
It is not usually necessary for a brush handle with 1 mode or intensity to need such. But, for those handles with 2 or more options, it can be infuriating.

We can't think of a Sonicare model with 3 brushing modes that doesn't have cleaning mode labels. Compared to Oral-B which offers many brushes with 3 or 4 modes with no labels, Sonicare brushes are designed with more consideration for the user.
It might be preferable to have mode labels when there are 2 modes to choose between, but the differences between each are usually easily identified. There is typically a notable difference in sound, brushing sensation, and the feeling in the hand.
Take the 3100 and 4100 Series. Both these handles offer 2 intensities, but no labels. Our senses can easily identify and differentiate between the high and low choices on offer. The more you use the brush and the more frequently you switch, the easier it becomes to learn which is which.
In most cases, the user manual will tell you in what order the modes or intensities are set, if you are unsure.
We've made the following video to help identify which mode is which if you are still unsure.
The top of the line Prestige 9900 has 5 modes, but no labels on the brush handle. This model is a bit of an exception to the general rule. Although there are 5 options to choose from the mode can only be set via the smartphone app and not the handle itself. Unless you remember what mode was set via the app, the handle itself has no way of showing the active mode.
Changing the order of cleaning modes
It's not possible to change the order of the cleaning modes on a Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush.
They are set with no option, currently at least to rearrange the order in which they are accessed.
As more smart toothbrushes come to market, such might be made possible in the future.
Unlike some brands, most Sonicare models default to the last mode used. Therefore you can access your preferred mode quicker than you can on some models from Oral-B for example, that require you to cycle through the modes, every time you use the brush.
Which brushes have which modes?
Modal |
Philips Sonicare 1100 Series |
Philips Sonicare 2100 Series |
Philips Sonicare 3100 Series |
Philips Sonicare 4100 Series |
Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100 |
Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 6100 |
Philips Sonicare ExpertClean 7300 |
Philips Sonicare ExpertClean 7500 |
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 |
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9300 |
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9500 |
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9700 |
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9750 |
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9900 Prestige |
Clean | Sensitve | White | Gum | Deep Clean | Tongue | Other | Brushing Intensities |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | 2 |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | 2 |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | 2 |
| - | | | - | - | - | - |
| - | | | - | - | - | 3 |
| - | - | | | - | - | 3 |
| - | | | | - | - | 3 |
| - | | | | - | - | 3 |
| - | | | | - | - | 3 |
| - | | | | | - | 3 |
| - | | | | | - | 3 |
| - | | | | | - | 3 |
| | | | | - | - | 3 |
Related posts:
Oral-B cleaning modes explained
Best Oral-B toothbrush heads 2024
Sonic vs ultrasonic toothbrush comparison
Author: Jon Love
Medical reviewer: Dr Gemma Wheeler, BDS
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Electric toothbrush
April 10, 2024
Why is it that power tooth brushes do not hold enough tooth paste for cleaning and stain removal?
Jon Love - Chief tester
April 11, 2024
To my knowlege Chargles tha amount of toothpaste has little to do with effective stain removal.
If you have heavy staining have you considered a whitening toothpaste or a cleaning from a dental hygienist?
William Russell
July 9, 2023
A question: my Sonicare brush MX686P, has two modes: clean and white, but no gum health mode. Since I like to massage my gums, what mode and intensity (low or high) would you recommend using for massaging, or does it make any difference what settings I use? Thanks.
Jon Love - Chief tester
July 9, 2023
I would generally suggest opt for clean mode on low intensity. But, it isn't going to make a signficant different. Find what is comofrtable for you.
June 15, 2023
Jon, first thank you so much for your explanations!!! I hang on every word your say. You explain in layman terminology! I want to know what Philip Sonicare “MODELS" have the 31,000 strokes/ 62,000 bristle movements per min.? I purchased from Costco, a 2pk Optimal Clean $99. (not on sale yet) and a Perfect Clean $169.99 (now on sale for $129.99). I am searching to find out if they both have the 62,000 bristle movements per min. We had Diamond Clean twice and both times 1 handle would get so loud and then something inside started rattling. The brushhead did not feal secure on the handle. They worked fine for approximately 1 yr and we both liked them when they worked, but now we are done with that model also due to its very short longevity! Also with Diamond Clean, we did not notice there was a change in speed/sound from one mode to another. So now we don’t want all the bells and whistles. I just want a good Clean and Whitening mode that operate at the highest level of strokes and movement 62,000.
So Jon if you are aware and able to share the names of the models or code number on the bottom of the handles, that are at the 62,000 bristle movements per minute, that would safe me a ton of more time searching on the web., which is not my favorite thing to do!!!! Haaa haaaa haaaaaaa.
Jon Love - Chief tester
June 16, 2023
So it is probably easier for me to list out which brushes to avoid than all the ones that do have 31,000 brush strokes/62,000 movements.
The main brushes that don't have thigh high number of momvenets are:
Daily Clean,
2 Series
EasyClean (much older model now)
Advance (much older model now)
Elite (much older model now)
Philips One
1100/1000 Series,
3100/3000 Series
4100/4000 Series
The Optimal Clean and Perfect Clean do have 31,000/62,000 as far as I am aware. And truthfully that Optimal Clean at $99 for 2 brush handles is a fantastic price. You'r not likely to find much better.
As for the DiamondClean models that are no longer working, have you contacted Philips to check if they are under warranty and could be reapried?
June 20, 2023
Thank you Jon… you are an excellent, conscientious communicator and this world needs more people like you! So yes initially I contacted Philips Sonicare and their customer service was terrible! 🤮They did not send the same model and bla bla bla. I returned it to Costco and got another one much, much simpler than dealing with Philips Sonicare❣️However, recently I was in touch with 2 folks in the “Oral Health Care” department at Philips Sonicare. They knew info on just certain models that I guess dentist use, and really they said they were not to be dealing with customers like me, only professionals! They did not know the specs. about Optimum Clean.
Thank you for all your time and knowledge that you shared with me and others! Keep up the good work and I know who to contact if I have other questions about electric toothbrushes.
Nora M.
April 16, 2023
I am looking for the Phillip's Sonicare 4700 but cannot find it. Please help
Jon Love - Chief tester
April 17, 2023
You are looking to buy it? If so, I don't think this is available any longer. Or are you looking for something else in relation to it?
Nora M.
April 17, 2023
My dentist recommended and offered to sell the 4700. Is there anything comparable to this one and if so, where it the best place to buy it? I really don't want to spend much over $100 for a toothbrush. Thanks for your help.
Jon Love - Chief tester
April 17, 2023
Hi Nora. OK, so I 'think' this is a dentist only version, hence it is not seen on store shelves/the internet much. The closest equivalent is the ProtectiveClean 5100 . It's a solid toothbrush. Limited complaints about this one. Amazon is usually one of the most competitively priced outlets for it. The Sonicare 4100 Series is a bit cheaper, but there are a few sacrifices.
October 18, 2022
They make it confusing don’t they!! Your opinion, would you say the Diamond Clean series, the Expert and the 9900 Prestige have the stronger frequencies of the sonicares
Jon Love - Chief tester
October 19, 2022
Hi Julie.
Yes, they do make it confusing. Yes, these models do tends to have more movements (the feeling of more power) compared to some of the cheaper models.
It doesn't necessarily mean they are 'better' there are a number of factors to consider.
December 7, 2022
Hi John, what are the other factors to consider? Do you think that these more expensive models clean more effectively or its mostly marketing (e.g. paying for the sleeker toothbrush, wireless charging, etc.)?
Jon Love - Chief tester
December 7, 2022
The main factors to consider are your brushing time and technique. You can have the best toothbrush available, but if you don't brush for long enough or with the right technique then you won't gain the benefits.
If you are brushing for 2 minutes twice a day and using the correct technique, the extra movements of these models, compared to some others may be beneficial, but the gains will be marginal.
Your dentist wouldn't generally be able to tell if you were brushing with a £50 or £250 brush.
You are generally paying for extra features, you might not used.
Liam Kelleher
September 26, 2022
Hi John hope you are well!
My question is of which models you mentioned above can actually reach the 62,000 movements (as well as the 31,000 brush strokes)?
Only expert, diamond and prestige?
I’m happy to spend around 100/150 but didn’t want to stretch much more. But I do like the sound of 62,000 movements…
Jon Love - Chief tester
September 27, 2022
Hi Liam.
Can I be so bold as to suggest you opt for the Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5100.
It is basically the best value model to offer the movements/strokes you want.
Despite technically not offering what you want the 4100 Series is my top pick of all the Sonicare brushes for most users.
With that said here are the brushes that offer the 62,000 movements/31,000 brush strokes.
ProtectiveClean 5100
ProtectiveClean 6100
DiamondClean Smart 9300
DiamondClean Smart 9500
DiamondClean Smart 9700
DiamondClean Smart 9750
9900 Prestige
April 17, 2022
I have 2 Sonicare bases. How often should I should I rotate them?
Jon Love - Chief tester
April 19, 2022
There isn't necessarily a need to rotate them unless you particularly want to. It would be advisable every now and again to keep the battery topped up on the one you are not using to make sure it continues to function.
September 13, 2021
Hi I have a diamond clean that doesn’t use brush sync technology but I have lots of brush sync tooth brush heads from my other protective clean brush, can I use the brush sync brushes on the standard diamond clean, will they still fit and work or do I need to buy standard brush heads?
Jon Love - Chief tester
September 13, 2021
You can use them Chris, no problem. They will work. You just won't get any of the BrushSync benefits.
March 16, 2021
Is it bad to leave toothbrush plugged in all of the time?
Jon Love - Chief tester
March 16, 2021
Most toothbrushes have technology that prevents the battery from overcharging if they are left on the stand and constantly plugged in. In most instances, it is fine to leave them constantly plugged in.
That said, if you can unplug so it is not always on charge this will be better for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the battery is not constantly being 'topped up' so theoretically at least you will preserve the battery a little longer. So if you use the toothbrush, don't just plug it back in, let it discharge over a few days or weeks (subject to your model) until the battery is nearly depleted, then recharge it.
Secondly, the charger is always trying to deliver power to the toothbrush, even if it doesn't need it. By unplugging it you can prevent any wastage of power and reduce the chance of the charger getting warm etc.
March 14, 2021
my brush heads don't fit snuggly on the handle head, there is a small gap - is there a reason why? I am using the philips sonicare brushes
Jon Love - Chief tester
March 15, 2021
Hi Lynn, If the gap you are referring too is small, approx 1-2mm then this is normal.
February 11, 2021
Do you know how the Sensitive mode compares with the low intensity on the standard Clean mode?
Basically, I'm wondering if the Sonicare 6100's low-intensity setting will be more gentle than the Sensitive mode on a different brush.
Jon Love - Chief tester
February 11, 2021
Hi Laura.
It is very difficult to say conclusively. I would say it was comparable. So, the lowest intensity Clean mode would be about the same intensity as sensitive mode on a different brush.
February 12, 2021
Would you happen to know if the Oral B "Sensitive" mode is more gentle than Sonicare's Sensitive (or low) mode? Wondering if Sonicare tends to be more gentle even on the same setting as Oral B.
Jon Love - Chief tester
February 14, 2021
Hi Laura. It is difficult to make a direct comparison because the cleaning action is different. Therefore the way the brush head moves, the power and feeling in use are not the same.
The brush head attached can have a bearing too. As a general rule, I think people find Sonicare the more gentle of the 2 brands. It can feel a little less intense.
Michael Pinckney
November 22, 2020
This article is very helpful. Thanks!!
Susan T
October 19, 2020
Thanks for your response Jon!
I did not set up the app with the brush. I did consider that the new brush heads I bought were causing an error-proofing function to engage by not allowing for the gum care option. Then I read somewhere that the brush head did not matter. I’ll look for the gum care brush head in the future. Susan T
Jon Love - Chief tester
October 20, 2020
Thanks for further confirmation. Clearly, my suggestion was not correct! 😕
If you have not already, I would get in contact with Sonicare, because it should be the case of being fixed to using 1 type of brush head.
Susan T
October 19, 2020
I have the 9300 DiamondClean Smart Philips Sonicare system. In addition to clean, the options are white+, gum health and deep clean+. I have always used the gum health option. When I take the brush head off, the gum health option is highlighted. As soon as I put the brush head back on, only the clean option highlights. No matter what I do, I can’t get the options to change. I have never had this problem before as I have changed the brush head in the past.
Thank you for your help! Susan T
Jon Love - Chief tester
October 19, 2020
Hello again Susan.
Thanks for the additional information. This is really helpful. I have to admit this sounds a little odd. But, I think I know what is possibly causing it.
Before I go into detail on this, just for your info, if you were not already aware:
Certain brush heads are configured to work with certain brush handles to select the most appropriate cleaning mode. For example if you fit a 'whitening' brush head, it will select the 'whitening' brushing mode automatically. However, this can usually be overridden.
As a result, I don't think this is what is causing this issue.
What I am more inclined to think the problem might be is linked to the smartphone application with this brush. Have you connected the brush to the smartphone app and set a specific goal? If so, I think by setting this mode, may have disabled the cleaning modes.
You should be able to edit/cancel the goal to restore the settings.
If you have not set this goal, but have connected to the app, the next step would be to reset the handle via the settings of the smartphone app.
Failing that a call into Sonicare is going to be required as I can't think what else it would be.
Please do let me know the outcome.
Susan T
October 18, 2020
I recently replaced the brush head on my DiamondCare brush. Up to this point I’ve been using the gum health mode successfully, however, after changing the brush this time I can’t move from the “clean” option to the “gum health” option as though the button is frozen.
Jon Love - Chief tester
October 19, 2020
Hi Susan.
Do you know specifically what model of brush you have? Are there more modes on your brush than just clean and gum health? Can you use any of those?
If you remove the brush head and turn the brush on are you able to access the different cleaning modes?
Please do not put the toothbrush in the mouth with the brush head detached. 👍
Kathy T
June 10, 2020
Got it! Thank you so much!
Kathy T
June 10, 2020
I have a brand new Diamond Clean brush and changing modes is different than my previous model. It seems that I need to have the toothbrush on to change from clean mode to another mode. But if I have toothpaste on my brush, I have to have the brush in my mouth or the toothpaste splatters everywhere. So how do I know, then, which mode I am moving into other than by pushing the on-off and counting to for example, the 5th mode? Is there a way to choose the mode before turning on the toothbrush without it defaulting to clean mode?
Jon Love - Chief tester
June 10, 2020
Hi Kathy.
Great question. It is not ideal is it, particularly when some Sonicare models have a dedicated cleaning mode button that allows you to change the mode before turning the brush on.
There is no way to change the mode prior to turning the brush on.
However, the brush will remember and should default to the last mode used, providing it finished the cleaning cycle. So, if for example you want it to default to the 5th cleaning mode I would do as follows.
The best thing to do, is with no water or toothpaste on the brush is to turn the brush on with a single press on the power button, then press it quite quickly a further 4 times. This will take you to the 5th cleaning mode. Let it finish the cleaning cycle and it should then default here in future.
Alternatively, you could put paste on the brush and use it whilst doing this, just make sure to pop it in the mouth before doing so.
Manuel Cruz
May 27, 2020
I have the white Sonicare diamondclean model# HX993 W. I've been trying to purchase a charging base for it, since the original has gone missing. I purchased one online only to have returned it, as this model is NOT interchangeable with any similar charging bases.. Now, your listing for this base indicates it IS compatible with the HX993 X model..
My question is, the model numbers listed in your campatability and my unit are the same WITH THE EXCEPTOIN of the very last character of the model #. Yours lists HX***X as mine ends in HX***W.. what do the "X" or the "W" represent?? And would that difference in letters render my handle INcompatible with your charging base.. ???
Jon Love - Chief tester
May 29, 2020
Thank you for the reply.
This article you are commenting on makes no reference to charging bases for any Sonicare toothbrush. I do not know where you have purchased it from etc.
Let me also be clear, that we are not Sonicare here at Electric Teeth, so I have no control over their listings. 😀
Nonetheless, you have a DiamondClean model that does require a different charging base compared to the vast majority of other Sonicare models. There is no recess in the base of your brush handle, like most other handles. This means that the more typical/common stand with the prong on the top is not suitable.
The 2 parts I believe you need are available on the following links:,_White
I am not aware of any reason why there should be any compatibility issues if your model has a 'W' at the end compared to the 'x' quoted. I am not sure what the X actually stands for but the W I think it for White as I believe this is the color of your brush handle.
I really do hope the above links help.
Manuel Cruz
May 26, 2020
Please confirm if this unit is compatible with Sonicare Diamondclean HX993 W. I do see that it is compatible with HX993 X.
Not sure what the difference is between X and W. I do know that this model handle is NOT interchangeable with similar chargers.
Tried it and failed..
Jon Love - Chief tester
May 27, 2020
I am more than happy to help you, but I am not sure what precisely you are referring to.
You say 'Please confirm if this unit is compatible with Sonicare Diamondclean HX993 W', what unit are you referring to?
It sounds like you may well be asking about some form of charging solution for the brush, but I am not entirely sure.
Tony Hudson
March 6, 2020
My DiamondClean Classic died after 2 years. I didn't want to spend a lot of money and went with the ProtectiveClean. It feels much less intense using the standard mode than the Diamond did, but my teeth still feel clean. I am not sure why the intensity is different if the brush strokes are the same, but it seems to be doing its job.
jon jones
January 15, 2020
Thank you so much for putting this chart together! My 10 year old Sonicare finally died when the cast metal in the head finally broke. I've repaired/rebuilt the toothbrush several times but it was overdue for replacement. The Sonicare site is awful and confusing but your charts and descriptions helped me narrow my choice down to the DiamondClean Classic.
Jon Love - Chief tester
January 15, 2020
Hi Jon.
It sounds like the Sonicare has served you well. Always disappointing when they finally fail, even if you probably knew it was coming.
Pleased that I have been able to help.
John Carman
January 11, 2020
I am so frustrated with Sonicare's, and now your, information. As an aside, I'm a dentist and my wife a hygienist. I can tell you all of the different modes are utter nonsense. Truly incredible marketing madness. You only need one mode and it is the mode at the highest intensity. The highest intensity mode is the mode best at removing plaque and it will not harm your teeth. Gums don't benefit from "stimulation"--they benefit from plaque removal from the teeth. And one's tongue doesn't need a special setting (and most people don't even need to have their tongues brushed at all).
The frustration is that at least one of the low-cost models has a lower "intensity" or "power" than the high power setting on the more expensive 3 power models ("power" or "intensity" not to be confused with "mode" of which there can be 5-8). i.e. it simply is not as strong as the high power setting on the more expensive models that have the 3 power level choices.
I recently bought their least expensive model assuming the intensity would be the same as my previous Sonicare. I thought I would be getting the same intensity (power) minus all of the useless "modes". Wrong. This particular Sonicare single-power model was not nearly as powerful as the high setting on my wife's 3 power setting model.
My question--which is not answered on your site or theirs--is, is there a single-power low-cost model for which the intensity/power is the same as the high setting on the more expensive 3 power models?
It is just kind of mind-boggling that with all of their models, modes, and prices, one cannot find this most basic and important piece of information. The only significant difference between any of the modes, models, and prices is the intensity. Sorry, but everything else is just marketing nonsense gone crazy.
Jon Love - Chief tester
January 12, 2020
Hi John.
Thanks for the comment.
I can understand your frustration and for the most part agree with what you are saying.
The average user does not need all of these extra cleaning modes.
I am sure Sonicare would dispute the extra modes as marketing nonsense, but they do not help their case by failing to clearly explain the different modes and the power levels they use.
I am no scientist or product engineer and can only go by my use and personal testing of the products to compare the power and brushing ability.
I am not sure which low end model you have recently purchased that you believe has a lower intensity in comparison to the other brush you have compared it against.
As far as I am aware the standard clean mode has the same intensity in all models, but perhaps not. Maybe differences do exist.
Sadly I have no superior knowledge and Sonicare are not very forthcoming with such information.
Do you believe, that the extra intensity/power really makes that much difference?
Clinical studies have of course shown the benefit of going electric, but many professions, yourself included perhaps, say a manual brush is fine, if used correctly?!
Is the power of the model you bought not sufficient enough to give a good standard of clean, in your opinion?
November 9, 2019
I just bought the Sonicare 9300. After using it, I went online to watch videos about it and found out that the 9500 and up had the tonguecare option. Is there a mode that is comparable for me to use on my 9300? Also, I didn’t realize mine didn’t have the portable charging case. I thought I could order it from the company and also make sure it’s comparable but it didn’t have the option for me to order just the case. Is there a place to order the case and is mine compatible to charge in the travel case? Mine does charge in the glass. Thank you for any info help you could give on either of these questions or both.
Jon Love - Chief tester
November 10, 2019
Hi Angel.
The tonguecare mode is a shorter brushing mode compared to most others.
None of the modes on the 9300 are set to the short 20 second cycle of the tonguecare mode on the 9500, but you can manually turn the brush off sooner if you wish. I would suggest the gum health mode would be ideal.
By no means essential, you can buy the TongueCare brush head if you want and use it on any mode available on the 9300, but a standard brush head can be used also, it will do a comparable job.
In terms of the case, yes you can buy the USB charging case.
August 19, 2019
I am trying to figure out which brush to buy. My current Sonicare, which I've used for a number of years, has bit the dust. I have always used the sensitive setting, but since am upgrading would like the app and these two features don't seem to be an option on one brush. A diamond clean with a glass charger is not an option since I have a toddler that is interested in my toothbrush. So I'm wondering on the toothbrushes with 3 modes and 3 intensities what would be the equivalent to my beloved sensitive mode? Any input is appreciated!
Jon Love - Chief tester
August 19, 2019
Hi Britt.
In answer to your question, the product you want is coming very soon. It is called the Sonicare ExpertClean 7500.
It doesn't have a sensitive mode, but you can change the intensity, to make it more gentle, which will achieve the same thing.
It has just launched and the first stock has yet to ship, but you can order it here on amazon.
Full information on the Sonicare website here.
I will review it once it launches, but I expect it to be a good option.
August 19, 2019
Funny you should say that, I currently have they model in my cart on Amazon! Assuming all brush heads will work on it? Thanks for the info!!
Jon Love - Chief tester
August 20, 2019
Hi Britt! Good work on finding that this new ExpertClean is what you need.
All the Sonicare brush heads work on with this toothbrush, but if you want to take advantage of the BrushSync features, make sure you are buying the BrushSync enabled heads.
June 17, 2019
In the past there was a single intensity that was fine. Later I noticed a low end sonicare lacked the intensity of a three intensity handle that was set to high. One thing I never learn from these online comparisons, is there a standard intensity level and is that equivalent to low/medium/high on the toothbrushes with multiple intensity settings...
Jon Love - Chief tester
June 18, 2019
Hi Jeff.
As far as I am aware, the high intensity is 31,000 brush stokes (62,000 movements). This intensity is the default on all brushes that do not have the option to change the intensity.
The medium and low intensity settings found on some brushes are slower/less movements, but the exact number I have not been able to get confirmation of. I hope this helps.
September 27, 2022
This was the question I was looking for, thank you for the ask and the answer. If the high intensity is standard, I can't quite see a reason to go beyond the 4100. Thank you for this site and all the videos. Philips should be the one doing it!
Jon Love - Chief tester
September 28, 2022
Hi Brandon.
It is worth clarifying, whilst I generally agree that the Sonicare 4100 is the best overall option within the Sonicare range, the newest 4100, the 4100 Series, doesn't offer 31,000 brush strokes & 62,000 movements.
The older 4100 ProtectiveCLean did.
The 4100 motor does offer up to 31,000 brush strokes, but it doesn’t achieve the 62,000 movements often quoted with the more expensive models. It is configured differently.
As a result, the 4100 can feel less powerful/intense compared to some other Sonicare toothbrushes.
Truthfully I don't think it makes a big difference, but I explain it here in my 4100 Series review.
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- What modes are available?
- How important are the different modes
- What each mode does
- How to change the brushing mode
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