Escape From Tarkov "Vitamins - Part 1" Quest Guide (2025)

Vitamins – Part 1 is a quest in Escape From Tarkov given by Skier. The quest leads to Vitamins – Part 2.

Escape From Tarkov Vitamins – Part 1 Quest Details

Vitamins – Part 1 Quest Dialogue

Ah, it’s you… Long time no see. I thought maybe you got whacked, but, as it turns out, you’re a bit of a diehard. Whatever, you’re alive and that’s good, so listen here. People say there’s a new product on the market, some stuff in fancy chemical containers, like your gun silencer, but a bit larger. What’s inside them, whether it’s new drugs or just some vitamin B, no f****** idea whatsoever. And that’s what we need to find out, I bet that the blue-barrel s*** from Polikhim is somehow connected to this, but I don’t know for a fact. These containers were seen at the resort, and one pal of mine claims to have seen them with EMERCOM people at the Interchange, but he was in delirium at that time, so maybe it’s just his imagination… To cut the long story short, find me a few of those containers, I have a couple of eggheads who might figure out what the f*** is inside.


  • Obtain the first Chemical container on Shoreline
  • Hand over the first container
  • Obtain the second Chemical container on Interchange
  • Hand over the second container
  • Obtain the third Chemical container on Interchange
  • Hand over the third container


  • 13000 XP
  • +0.05 reputation with Skier
  • 46,540 Roubles
  • 3x Holosun HS401G5 sight
  • 2x Trijicon SRS-02 reflex sight
  • -0.01 reputation with Jaeger

Reward Dialogue

Oh, so you actually brought some? Splendid! Hands still intact after touching all these chems? I’ll get the eggheads working then, let them tinker with the stuff.


This quest asks us to head to two different maps. Those are Shoreline and Interchange. On Shoreline, there’s only one Chemical Container, while on Interchange there are two.

Required Items

You need two different keys to complete this quest successfully:

  • Emercom medical unit key
    • A key to the Emercom Medical care unit at the ULTRA shopping mall.
  • Health Resort west wing office room 112 key
    • A key to the Azure Coast sanatorium west wing office room 112.

Now that we clarified that, let’s see where exactly you need to go to get these documents.

Vitamins – Part 1 Chemicals on Interchange

Below you can find the map of Interchange, with both Emercom and Mantis highlighted. That’s exactly where you need to go and pick up the two Chemical Containers. One of them is in Emercom (Locked), and the other one is in Mantis. They are close to each other.

Interchange Chemical Containers Close up Images

Vitamins – Part 1 Chemical Container on Shoreline

The quest item is located in Room 112 in the West Wing of the Resort. That is on the first floor.

So if you enter from the hole in the wall, just continue straight and you will see the room on your left side.

Shoreline Chemical Container Close up Images


Battlestate Games Escape From Tarkov Skier

Angel KicevskiFollow on XJanuary 11, 2022Last Updated: April 13, 2024

0 2 minutes read

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Escape From Tarkov "Vitamins - Part 1" Quest Guide (11)

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Angel Kicevski

I am ANGE1K. I started playing video games a long time ago. In a blink of an eye, I became a hardcore gamer. A couple of years later, I traversed to the professional Counter-Strike 1.6 scene. After the competitive ERA, I managed to find the gaming industry amusing and started working on FGR. 8 years after founding FGR, my mission remains the same. That is to discover secrets within the gaming industry, create guides for all the games I play, and provide you with some important news. Oh, yeah, I post tons of patch notes too.Currently stuck in WoW with high M+ keys, Tarkov, a bit of Gray Zone Warfare, Dota 2, and CS2.P.S. Last time I counted how many hours I've spent in video games turned out to be 13+ years. And that was a long time ago too. Almost 24/7 in front of PC. If you need anything, feel free to contact me on X!

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      Escape From Tarkov "Vitamins - Part 1" Quest Guide (2025)


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      The first container can be found in room 112 of the Resort west wing on Shoreline.

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      Quests, both player-given and dynamically generated, are intended to be a large part of Escape from Tarkov. Some require you to pick stuff up for certain traders, while others require you to kill other operators or mark vehicles and specific places. Quests are the fastest way of gaining EXP.

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      In 1669, phosphorus was the first element to be chemically discovered by Hennig Brandt (German). In 1789, Antoine Lavoisier (French) published a list of 33 chemical elements grouped into gases, metals, nonmetals, and earths.

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      Killing Scav Raiders as a Scav does not carry any penalties towards your Scav karma. Scav Raiders have different health values than PMCs and other Scavs.

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      Additional data
      Spawn chanceCustoms: 5% Woods: 5% Shoreline: 5% Lighthouse: 7%
      2 more rows

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      2. Log in with your username.
      3. Click on your profile picture.
      4. Press 'Activate Promo Code' on the right.
      5. Enter the code and press 'Submit'.
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      Chemical Containers are often boxes made of cardboard. They can be made of other materials such as styrofoam. The containers will have markings and labels that identify the contents of the container and the hazards present in the container. The labels must be removed or defaced prior to disposal.

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      Empty plastic chemical containers MUST BE CLEAN, remove/deface the labels then dispose in non-hazardous waste stream (normal waste bin/general waste skip).

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      Author: Chrissy Homenick

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      Name: Chrissy Homenick

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      Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

      Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.